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Upsilon Kappa Omega Chapter History

Upsilon Kappa Omega Chapter

"United We'll Forge A Way"

Beginning Anew: Interest, Establishment & Chartering

            The year 1996 promised to be and was an incredible year full of challenges, victories, and new beginnings. It was early January 1996 when Arrie McAlister and Valeria A. Collins first discussed the possibility of a second chapter in the Fayetteville-Cumberland County Area. That first dialogue between Arrie and Valeria resulted in the compilation of a list of thirty-nine members, some of whom were former members of the Zeta Pi Omega Chapter (also located in the Fayetteville area). This vision was also extended through contacts in local newspaper ads. Finally, in the spring of 1996, a meeting was scheduled.

              Saturday, May 13, 1996, sent hopes and expectations to soaring heights. Valeria A. Collis, Arrie McAlister, Sarah Watson, Barbara Melvin, Daisy Thompson, Robbie Lindsey, Charlene Sumlin, and Beverly Simmons met for the first time to discuss the possibility of forming an Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority interest group. The meeting was held at the Cumberland County Main Library with the following members: Valier A. Collins, Arrie McAlister, Sarah Watson, Barbara Melvin, Daisy Thompson, Robbie Lindsey, Charlene Sumlin, and Beverly Simmons. Valerie A. Collins facilitated the meeting, and it was an excellent beginning. Encouraged, the members in attendance outline the goals for the group: 

  • To expand the Alpha Kappa Alpha presence in the Fayetteville area by reaching out to the fort Bragg and Pop Air Force Base population. 
  • To diligently seek out those members in the area who were inactive and would be interested in a growth opportunity. 
  • To develop a plan of action.

              A name for the interest group was selected from among several suggestions. During the discussion, it was noted that although the organization was founded upon the principle of college-level Greek-lettered fellowship, keeping the link between the sisterhood and our African-American Heritage was essential. Thus, the name Harambee was chosen. Harambee, a Swahili word first coined by Jomo Kenyatta, means "self-help" or "pull together." This was believed to be perfect in capturing the vision and togetherness of a group of women whose efforts supported the growth of our sisterhood with determination, spirit, and unity while offering a helping hand to those in need within the community.

With the Harambee Interest Group's success and enthusiasm, the names of thirty-seven members were submitted to the Alpha Kappa Alpha National Office for consideration. The Regional Director selected September 14, 1996, to meet with Harambee. During the meeting, Harambee proudly spoke of its thriving service programs n the community, such as the "Shower of Love" commitment, the "Operation Smooth Move" activity at Fayetteville State University, the "1996 Heart Walk", political activism, minority health issues collaborations, fund-raising endeavors, etc.

The official application packet bearing the names of the thirty-seven members was submitted to the Regional Director on September 27, 1996. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Directorate met on November 2, 1996, officially confirming our efforts. A tentative date for charting was scheduled for Sunday, December 1, 1996. The time for a real celebration of thankfulness was upon Harambee. The charting date was confirmed!

Upsilon Kappa Omega Chapter was charted on December 1, 1996, as the 108th chapter in the Mid-Atlantic Regio because of 37 charter members' efforts and the leadership and approval of Doris Asbury, 13th Mid-Atlantic Regional Director. The lyrics of the chapter song, written by charter member Carla Collier, capture the excitement of this spectacular event: "Salmon Pink and Apple Green, loveliest Colors we've ever seen; We are really making a scene, Sorority Queens!"

Today, Upsilon Kappa Omega has approximately 150 members; and we are still blazing the trails and committed to serving all mankind!

*Upsilon Kappa Omega Chapter charter members are pictured with Doris Ashbury, 13th Mid-Atlantic Regional Director (1st-row center), December 1, 1991. News of this charting appeared on page 30 of the Ivy Leaf, Spring 1997 issue. On the top row, left to right, are Felecia Robinson, L’Shanda Collins, Angela Hinson, Monique McAlister, Sherrilyn Magby Johnson, Brenda Williams, Patricia Corey, Monique Kendall-McCluney, Renarta Clanton, Angela Newble, Rochelle Bethune, Shirley Greene, and Arrie McAlister. On the middle row from the left are Juanita Williams, Carla Collier, Barbra Melvin, Lisa Jefferson, Wendy McManus, Valerie Wilder, Carolyn McLarin, Daisy Thompson, Charlene Sumlin, Joyce Mitchell, Erica Clemons, and Beverly Simmons. Seated on the front row from the left are Shirley Evans, Donna Moore, Burma Anderson, Robbie Lindsey, Valerie Collins, Doris Ashury (13th Mid-Atlantic Regioanl Director), T’Anya Johnson, Lisa Boyed, Allene Ritchey, Althea Hunt, Twylla Willis, and Cheri Siler. Arnetta Porter (not pictured).

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